Application documents as submitted to Selwyn District Council and Environment Canterbury:

Assessment of Environmental Effects

Appendix 1: Addendum to AEE - Earthworks
Appendix 2: Record of Title
Appendix 3: Site Plan
Appendix 4: Map of Surrounding Land Uses
Appendix 5: Plan set - Landscape Strategy.
                  - Edge Treatment Details.
                  - Quarry Entrance details.
                  - Quarry Staging.
                  - Contour Plan.
Appendix 6: Draft Quarry Management Plan
Appendix 7: Draft Dust Management Plan
Appendix 8: Landscape Effects Assessment
Appendix 8a: Landscape Graphic Supplement
Appendix 9: Acoustic Assessment
Appendix 10: Transport Assessment
Appendix 11: Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI)
Appendix 11a: Addendum to the PSI
Appendix 12: Ecological Assessment
Appendix 13: Assessment of Soil Related Effects
Appendix 14: Hydrogeology Assessment
Appendix 15: Air Quality Assessment
Appendix 16: Archaeological Assessment
Appendix 17: Economic Assessment
Appendix 18: Objectives and Policies

Requests for Further Information

Environment Canterbury

  1. ECan s92 Request
  2. Applicant Response to s92 Request

Selwyn District Council

  1. SDC s92 Request
  2. Applicant Response to s92 Request