
A Long History

William Winstone, a coal merchant and carrier, started selling coal along the Auckland waterfront from a horse and cart in 1864. Like William, migrants arrived, shaping the city and increasing the demand for his wares. Employees and more horses were needed as his business grew alongside the city that was now his home.

The business experienced rapid growth as the brothers’ company became one of the first to offer water-borne cartage, allowing them to transport coal for gasworks and dairy factories to ports outside Auckland. In the 20th century the company expanded retail outlets, and invested in the manufacture and importation of building products including plaster wallboard, bricks and tiles.

Aggregate and cement were supplied to build Auckland’s Grafton Bridge among other important New Zealand building projects shaping the country and creating a legacy. 

Winstone Aggregates have shaped the New Zealand landscape, and its skyline. The Auckland Harbour Bridge and Sky Tower and Wellington’s Westpac Stadium and Railway Station are projects we have been involved in. We had a part in building the Newmarket Viaduct Bridge, Grafton bridge and the upgrade of Auckland Airport. 

Winstone Transport played a major role in removing the spoil from the Waterview tunnel as the boring machine, affectionately named Alice, made her way through the tunnel. We’ve supplied and shipped materials for roads both rural and for city motorways like state highway 20, the Waikato Expressway, Transmission Gully and the second stage of the Christchurch Southern Motorway, just to name a few.. 

After the tragedy of the Christchurch earthquake, aggregate from our Christchurch quarries helped to rebuild the city. 

Our Dry Creek quarry was used in the iconic Peter Jackson adaptation of Lord of the Rings. In The Two Towers it was both Helm’s Deep and Deepening Well, and was Minas Tirith in Return of the King.

We are kiwi through and through and Aotearoa is built on Winstone Aggregates, we can't wait to create the future.

For further details about Winstone visit https://www.winstoneaggregates.co.nz

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A Responsible Operator

At Winstone Aggregates we take our environmental responsibilities extremely seriously, and we believe that risk minimisation, legal compliance and responsible sourcing, together with the continuous improvement of our operating methods, are fundamental to the way we do business.

Winstone Aggregates strives to manage operations to achieve sustainable economic development while effectively avoiding or managing adverse effects on the environment. The company has:

  • A robust Environmental Management System (EMS). This flexible EMS ensures accountability for environmental performance, providing a management framework that encourages openness and environmental improvement at all operational sites.
  • A comprehensive Environment Policy gives direction to the EMS and includes commitments by senior management to continual improvement and pollution prevention to effect enhanced core business operations and improved environmental performance.
  • A commitment to achieving a 30% reduction in Scope 1 (direct) and Scope 2 (indirect) carbon emissions by 2030.
  • As part of the wider Fletcher Building Concrete Division a commitment to achieving positive biodiversity outcomes by 2030
  • A database and consent management system that facilitates the allocation of responsibilities, compliance analysis and mandatory reporting as well as regular audits and assessments to ensure regulations are met or exceeded.
  • A quarry/site management plan for each quarry that is tailored to the specific requirements and environmental concerns at each site.
  • Employees that are trained and expected to consider how their work impacts their surroundings and how they can do better, such as calling in the water truck when roads get dusty or slowing down when driving around homes – simple, common-sense ideas that make a big difference.
  • Regular inspections and environmental monitoring to verify the impacts and success of mitigation measures.

Winstone Aggregates understands the need to quarry, and process aggregate in a responsible and sustainable manner, recognising that it is also important that aggregates are extracted, processed, and transported as efficiently, economically and unobtrusively as possible. Winstone Aggregates also acknowledges that quarrying is a temporary activity and that the land will either be restored to its former use or converted to support some other activity which best meets the needs of the local community. Winstone Aggregates has put thought and investment into ensuring that this restoration will be carried out to the highest possible standards.

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